to go where no man/woman/room 9 student has gone before!
Renowned British cosmologist, Stephen Hawkings, the really really brainy guy - as brainy as two lockleys and a logan roasted together, with a sprinkling of ernesto seasoning, mr brainy chips on the side and smothered in a lachlan and justin sauce - said:
"People must colonise planets in other solar systems, travelling there using Star Trek-style propulsion, or face extinction"
read on - what do you think? which planets would be most likely to be populated first? What would we gain from moving away to less hospitable planets?
i no of a possible place to live: europa, one of jupiters moons it has water under the crust and it produces a little oxagen. to check out info.
Urxan - why not Jupiter?
Ernesto - great work researching and a marvellous suggestion. Let's start planning what we need to get there and survive.
How is the gravity situation? would we be able to walk? Would we bounce? Would any atmosphere we generated stay around for us to breathe?
And, nice spelling. ;>)I bet that's all the other teachers see.
Well, all I can say is we're not going to Pluto!
this isn't on the topic but Mr woody can u come c mi movie review on the talented mr ripley.
o yea peoples i posted another video plz watch, its about a father with his disabled son.
Cool video!
as brainy as two lockleys and a logan roasted together, with a sprinkling of ernesto seasoning, mr brainy chips on the side and smothered in a lachlan and justin sauce - said
I just find this reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally funny . i cant stop laughing. cause i know most of the people from two years ago mentioned.
very creative and descriptive!!!!!!!!
lol ;-)
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