Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Taharoa School Centennary Video Challenge

Your fine school is going to turn 100 next year. I think you should get used to making videos and blogging about it. Try making a 20 second Flip video now about something unique about your school. Post it on your blog and leave me a comment here. I will judge it and name the ultimate winner!


Queen said...

Thanks Mr Woody for coming to our school yesterday, We had plenty of fun with you and we hope you're coming back again soon!

We hope you had a lot of fun too!

Thanks again for your help with our blogs, you're a real legend!!!

coast.the.most said...

Thanks Mr Woody for coming to our school. I did think you were going to give the money to Jayden and I. We thought we would be rich with all the money.

MrWoody said...

Sorry to trick you with the grains of sand thing. If you hadn't got greedy with the double or nothing I would have had to pay you real money!
The lesson is NEVER GAMBLE! You always lose in the end :-)
I look forward to my next visit.

Whaea Fire said...

Hey guys. Isn't this new technology great. Money is the root of all evil - but heck, I'd have some of that evil any day. About the 20 second video challenge for our School's centenary celebrations, I haven't seen much videoing going on lately. I know we've all been rather slack. Slapping myself on the wrists NOW! %^%%$#@!_)(+~

MrWoody said...

No need to whack yourself, Whaea... We need to help each other to make cool videos.
I have a resource which explains some of the processes to go through to make decent videos that people actually enjoy watching.
Well done for blogging! :-)