Sunday, September 16, 2007

bullies are scum

sadly humans are not only cruel to animals and destructive of the environment - they also harrass each other!

what is the best way to deal with a bully?


IM A ROOM5IAN said...

i think you should tell them you dont like what they are doing so they have no excuse if they do not stop, then tell someone, anyone! if you do, you are probably saving alot of other people from being bullied too! i kind of feel sorry for them as some thing pretty bad must have happened to them, but that still gives them no right whatsoever to take those feelings out in a way that makes others feel umcomfortable or unsafe. if you do say something, you are probably helping the bully too, as then teachers, friends, family etc can help them be a better peron and help sort out the stituation.

"dont do something to someone else that you wouldnt want done t you"

Miss Candy said...

room5ian stole my place, no fair!!!

there always help lines you can ring like whats up na d kids line and stuff....

Kitty Kat said...

Yes, most of the time bullies have been bullied themselves or lost a parent or things like that.
If someone trys to taunt you just ignore them and they'll give up. Also tell a teacher or call a helpline like whatsup or kids line. They are in the first or second page of your White?? pages.

cheeseboy said...

the best way to deal wiv a bullie is to run 4 ur life, well especially the bigger ones

chickenwing said...

if they call you names ignore biut if they attack you do what cheeseboy said and run 4 your life!

Catarara said...

well my dad says to PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE AND RUN!!! i have kindof taken in that advice but i havn't actually done that. but thats my dad for you.

Kitty Kat said... would probably be red carded for doing that know.

IM A ROOM5IAN said...

lol, anyway to summerise so far there is...

- Tell the person that you dont like it
- Tell someone
- Ring kids line etc
- er, run for your life?

i dont suggest punching back etc as then you can get in trouble as well - two wrongs dont make a right!

check out "this that and everything else" for a rugby world cup schedule

Skipper Bob said...

Give everybody tazor guns!!!!!!!!!!!


talk to an adult you know and trust about it

IM A ROOM5IAN said...

hehe, mmmmmmmm, not so sure about the tazors :)

Catarara said...

i wouldn't actually punch someone back!

Kitty Kat said...

We know catarara!!!
Um...i'm not so sure either. You wouldn't feel

SpUdArOoNy said...

to deal with a bully you should either tell them you don't like it.. or just to walk away and tell some one as soon as you can. yes.. i don't really think that punnching or tasering is very wise!

Miss Candy said...

i think murdering, strangling, choking is the best way to deal with bullies( robyn would know alot about strangling, choking and murdering, wouldn't you sb??? but she han't a bully....but she does bite trust me!!!)...forget about theses suggestions there stupid!!!:
Tell a teacher

stand up for your self being assertive not aggresive or too soft!
e.g:bully:look at the nerd wearing glasses

victim(in other words geek):how could you insult all the people out there who wears glasses, like your own friend here!

Bully: well my, my, aren't you clever, ha??

and i cant think of any more, but there stupid so you need to pay attention!!

primprim said...

This is basically (i don't think i spelt that right) the same as what spud said but...
you should tell the bully that you don't like what he/she is doing.
is the bully keeps on bullying you should tell someone as soon as you can.
and then from that point you should just try to ignore the bully and get on with more enjoyable things.
that's what I think you should do, but i might be wrong because I have never been bullied before!
Ski Trip people, have a great time!!!

Skipper Bob said...

Miss candy: it don't make sense: there stupid SO YOU NEED TO PAY ATTENTION?????????????

MrWoody said...

okay kilets - this is where it gets tough - what do you do to escape from really scary violent bullies who attack you in public for no reason. trust me - it can happen in hamilton in daylight in the middle of town if you're unlucky. what would you do? these people - gangster types - just want to prove their coolness to their scumbag mates by bashing someone - what would you do if you saw someone innocent being hurt?
actually, we've had them at school this year - mostly stood expelled now thankfully. ask sam about them.
and speaking of sam - tell him he's wonderful - he is such a caring kind person. as are you all - but he doesn't come on here.
take care my little minions

Kitty Kat said...

If it hapens to you SCREAm!!! then RUN!!
Don't go places alone.

Miss Candy said...

sb: heard of sarcasm???

swear at them then run and scream for your life!!

Skipper Bob said...

wouldn't swearing at them make them more angrier instead of helping

i would hide

then once their gone i would run and find help (by looking in nearest shop and that sort of stuff)

screaming might help to

and i'd avoid them by sticking where there are lots of people (so other people can see if anything happens

shorty said...

If I ever come up to a bully I attack them and they DO run away or they underestimate me and take me on and everyone that has taken me on either didnt survive or are in hospital with 3rd degree burns and broken everything, that is why children dont make it home. but I still get bullied sometimes which is stupid

Miss Candy said...

nice sarcasm- your good at that i guess!!

shorty said...

no not sarchasm. oh and I forgot to add either kick them in the shin or in the groin '_'*

* that is a smiley

Anthony said...

Helpful tip number five:
Always keep an extremly large gun and/or blunt weapon handy at all times. Bullies suck.

Anonymous said...

Right on!!