Did you hear the news? There is a general election coming up later this year.
Our electoral system is called MMP. What does it stand for? Can you explain what it really means? Compare it to our old system, which was called First Past the Post. What on earth might that mean? Do politicians run a race to see who gets into power?
There may be a referendum at the next election to see if New Zealanders want to re-consider the value of the MMP system and maybe think about changing it to something else. If you're interested. Share your research findings and opinions here.
Oh, by the way - who invented democacy? And do we really have a democracy?
By the way - I think Helen Clarke is a great politician who will be remembered as one of our best ever. I'm not so sure Che Guevara is quite the hero that people make him out to be either. This cartoon may not be entirely complimentary to Auntie Helen, and in fact I believe it is inappropriate to make such personal, public put downs about anyone [except Australian and English rugby players or George Bush] but at least in this country we can publish something like this without being executed or locked in prison. Our freedom is seen as a right. Other countries are not as free as ours. Can you name any countries where freedom is limited compared to us?