Sunday, February 26, 2006

did you know...?

teachers, parents - do you realise that students already think that email is for old people? [they all IM - instant message - each other.]
cds are a thing of the past. only mp3's will do.
the internet is a legitimate environment for kids to connect, form friendships, socialise, collaborate and learn. the world is open to them. when they are online, they are connected - not isolating themselves from the 'real' world. even gaming is a complex interactive social endeavour, for them. they don't play games in rigid isolation - they get together in a virtual world and plan things.
this i why we have to relinquish some control and let them lead the way. we can help them develop, if we listen. have you noticed that when they're online, they are totally engrossed in what they are doing??? pretty powerful learning tool, i reckon.

hasta entonces amigos


MrWoody said...

A very mature response, sigrid. And it's excellent to hear balance coming from you younguns.

MrWoody said...

ASh - if you were able to add one bit of hardware [like a phone or laptop or pda] to your daily class routines, which one would you choose and why?

Ernesty said...

I still use email but i lik IM better!
I love goin on RS (Runescape) and run around and PKing (PK : Player Killing!)other unfortunate people with my friends!

catgirl said...

I think that technology is gr8, but using it 2 much on a daily basis can be quite weird. I dont have an email address, and the only way i communicate (when i rarely do) is by phone or txt. Like sigrid, im not really up to date with stuff like that. Honest, people say that kids r more up 2 date, but sum parents know more than their kids!

MrWoody said...

I tried out runescape last year, but I was too lazy to go through the tutorials and gave up. Naughty me - i have more fun playing things like AoE, RoN, etc.
Actually, these days i like to read info on the net and 'surf'. This fun too. PLaying golf, going to the beach and visiting friends is good too.