Saturday, August 25, 2007

congratulations to the science fair participants

please leave comments here regarding your own successes and those of your classmates. this years effort was the best i have seen.


Kitty Kat said...

Hi, i got a special prize which earned me 20 dollars...don't know about others but we all did great!!!

pom said...

I know G-man got a prize for photography

Kitty Kat said...

Yes he got 2nd in is class.

IM A ROOM5IAN said...

i got a third in my catagory and i also got a special prize (like kitty kat) which earned me, instead of money, a ladder (something to do with the prize) which is valued at about 200 dollars. so i will sell the ladder to either dad or on trade me, and have a lot more money!!!


i am relly impressed with room fives science fair effort, HURAY@!!

Kitty Kat said...

Yes that was funny room5ian, getting that LADDER!!!!