Thursday, October 23, 2008

This post is only for people who want to be involved with the new school thing...


and what do you imagine?

[p.s. you can't be wrong]


Heymilly said...

This is such a great post... and yet so much to think about and add. I will be back to comment after a tad bit more thinking!

But what a cool school it would be - built by students and teachers collaboratively!! I would LOVE to work here... When is it going to happen Mr W?

Miss S. :)

Kirstin Anderson-McGhie (Keamac) said...

I have lots to think about too. I'm going to have to come back a few times to add my ideas as I roll my thoughts around in my mind. I know for starters that I would like to see a school where everyone (kids and teachers) can choose to explore things they're passionate about/interested in (like nanobots) and have a voice in deciding what they learn, where they learn and how they learn it. That's for starters...
I'll be back! ;)
From Mrs McGhie

MrWoody said...

that's easy keamac - i do that now cos i have a visionary prinicpal - i'm just not very good at doing all the work that needs to be done to make it as great as it could be. i need help but it can be done

HamilTRON said...

Hey Mr Woody.
Two other teachers have commented.
Wow! I want to be involved in the new school thing. I'm thinking that it could be something environmental, a new school responsibility, a sports course or a group of people going out to do something for the community.

All these things are great things to do.
I can be available to help!


MrWoody said...

Nice ideas to include, Hamiltron. I would defintely have kids like you in the new school. I admire your passion for learning and ability to solve problems independently.

Teachers - keep in touch with your ideas - keep thinking it over. we have a new curriculum - let's use it to build a new educational paradigm for special kids who are committed to higher order thinking and creative problem solving -"real world" learning.

Jimmy Bunnet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Seb Vanneste said...

where would the stupids go and how would you make classes and sort them out what sports would you have and how much would it cost and is it goverment funded? theres so many types of these questions that need to be answered and if it takes like five years could i be a teacher?

MrWoody said...

not sure, gaboose. what do you think needs changing?

awesom0 - you made me laugh and yes you can.

Lyinda said...

(lol awesomo4000)

I love the idear of "the new school". And i'v got lots of idears for it.

gnome said...

I think you should have heaps of sustainable gardens and you should teach pupils about sience and the world around us in an enjoyable environment where the children learn from their mistakes and the teachers aren't paternalistic but then there's a minus with every idea but for the idea you have come up with Mr. Woody the main problem would be parents who have been brought up in the world of yesterday and wouldn't really support this hands on kind of learning that your planning.

rosiegal said...

It sounds cool!! Would love to take part. I have lots of things I want to study, but in a normal school enviroment, we just dont seem to have enough time space ecources etc. I reckon we should have smaller classes so that teachers can spend more 1 on 1 attention to pupils.

Anonymous said...

lets make the new school about the students. let them tell us what they want. let them develop the curriculum. then help them help teachers to teach and learn.

what does our graduate student look like? what does the graduate student of our school look like?

oh and do away with walls and classrooms and lets just learn everywhere and anywhere and anytime...not just at school, at one site and between 9am-3pm...

**KERLI** said...

This is looking like a pretty cool school so far.
We should have LOADS and LOADS and LOADS of P.E. and not just normal "run around the field, throw this ball, hit this with a bat," etc. But can we still do standard stuff too, just to please the parentals. Just do loads of random stuff.

MrWoody said...

dreamhuntress - share your ideas here please - i can't wait!

Gnome - an EXCELLENT comment - very well written and superb integration of the ideas we have been learning about in class - you are the student of the week! Many parents will be very supportive of this concept - the problem may be the requirements of the Ministry of Ed, but we need to find out what is required then tailor our special school to "fit in" as much as we have to.

Rosiegal - that's a very good point and part of why i want out of the normal school system. For example - how many hours did we waste learning songs you had no interest in singing last term? Don't get me wrong - I LOVE singing, but i think there's a better way to do it.

Hemi [who is HEmi?] - i agree entirely - there would be no fixed timetable apart from what was devised as being necessary by the kids and learning guides depending on each situation. If you are a teacher, please contact me on Twitter.

Kerli - do you really love PE? What exactly do you mean by loads n loads of not standard stuff?

See next posts for more opportunities to answer with specific ideas...

mech boy said...

If National becomes the governing party then your idea might not work.
National plans to be very strict about the school cirriculum
e.g. Lots more exams.
I think they also plan to have an exam each year for students that if they don't pass they stay in the same class for the next year. I think... (I thought I heard somebody telling me that)

Jimmy Bunnet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
HamilTRON said...

Yes, I think gaboose has a brain-wave. In private schooling, students tend to excel more in their eductaion. But it will cost more to get into a private school. But in Mr woody's new school, He might be able to change that!


MrWoody said...

Very interesting, MEchboy - I think you may be on the right track regarding National's educational policy. However, to place that as an opinion on the internet you might want to make sure first by doing a little research. What would you use as search terms???

I liek your thinking Gaboose - and yes, Hamiltron - I would find ways to make it private with special character, but also accessible to anyone deserving. Perhaps through corporate sponsorhip and scholarships. Who knows, maybe Microsoft or Apple would like to be associated with the worlds coolest school???

HamilTRON said...

Mr Woody I have a question.Would you introduce new subjects at the new school. Relating to Sustainable Living, and Relating Science to life, (evoloutional theory, we could have a debate when we come back from camp.) We could write a proposal to the Ministry Of Education and try get those subjects in our new school. Maybe even introduce the new subjects to other school's. That could spread to the word of sustainable living around the country! Could NZ become the first sustainable country. I don't know.


MrWoody said...

'Tron - they're not really new subjects and yes we would look at stuff like that.

efreeman said...

I am only just scratching the surface of what I see as my dream school...but here is a start...

I would lose the traditional 1:30 teacher, student ratio. Students would have access to a range of teachers with different strengths and passions.

The physical spaces would be large with lots of windows and whiteboards (IWBs?) around the outsides. You would have the option to pull across roller type doors to make smaller spaces or leave them open with one big space. There would be large round tables that are easy to move and pack away when needed. There would be a chill-out space where kids could work independently without being interrupted.

I would like 1-to-1 or at least 1:2 laptops. Most work would be completed using online tools and stored using google docs etc.

Every topic we did would have a Social Science aspect to it. We would look at how everything impacts us and how we could go about making social change.

We would truly make a difference to our generation.

So there is a start... I will come back after I have thought more.

BTW Mr Woody I have always wanted to do this. Good luck :)

rosiegal said...

They sound like really cool ideas!!! Ive always thought there have been way to many kids in one class for only one teacher.
Having a chill out space to catch up on work would be good. I remember in one of my old classes we had another small room (which used to be an office). We used it as a mini library, and if you were in there you had to be silent. so if you wanted quietness you could read and work in there.

MrWoody said...

fantastic Mrs Freeman - but i would get out more and have even less of a classroom and certainly not all work would be computer based. for example we would plan, design, build, test and refine things. we would also work outdoors growing, building, exploring, etc. we would indeed use peoples strengths but they wouldn't have to be teachers at the school. we would be involved with things that Room5ians have begun this year - working with museums, libraries, universities, innovation parks to create change and have real involvement. afterall, the HCC wrote us into their strategic plan because they loved our ideas. so why not build on those connections in the real world? we can go further and run international special education conferences run by talented and visionary teachers and kids alike.
the world is our oyster.
rosiegal - you are definitely right - it is ridiculous and unfair to expect quality, individualised learning facilitation in a 1:32 ratio which is what we started on.
fight for the dream of quality education!

efreeman said...

I agree that all work shouldn't be computer based - I guess I meant that I would probably do away with exercise books and record thoughts and feelings via other means - audio, film, and other creative means.
I believe that collaborating globally is essential - a network of like-minded schools across the world working together to create a voice for the future.
I totally agree with experiential learning. Authentic, real-world learning is where it is at.
I like the idea that teachers aren't necessarily teachers. Did you mean in the sense that they didn't have to be trained as teachers or that teachers are learners and facilitators? I see my role in the classroom as learning alongside my students and providing support when needed.
I also believe that teaching and learning should be holistic. We nurture the whole child - including their personal growth and development.
hmmmm...back later with more I am sure :)

MrWoody said...

awesome additional comments, mrs f :-)

Nei-Nei Neina-Marie said...


Olly said...

having a school like that that would be amazing!! i like the idea of having more than 1 teacher. when would this whole thing accualy happen? i would like it if there where no naughty kids, p.e like what you posted mr woody and i also think a 'chill-out' room thing where we could just go to with out being interupted. what would the school be called?

Olly said...

i would also like it if we didn't have a school uniform and just just wear what ever we wanted


Nei-Nei Neina-Marie said...

I want a school uniform. If we get to choose, then we can be different, unique. I like our school uniform.