Sunday, February 10, 2008

ideas for ICT integration please

Hey educators, parents, Room5ians, kids from other schools - how can we use mobile phones, pda's, digital and video cameras, interwritepads, and so forth, meaningfully in class? how do we deal with the costs? does anyone use p.d.a. phones or use mobiles for remote learning, sending info to a class blog or anything? i'm imagining using a powerful mobile phone to video something off site, like at an art gallery or museum, add narration and send it to this blog for class use. how do we do that?

ideas please.

Does anyone want to do joint class projects with us?

[Are you still out there Pitt Island school???]


mudpies00 said...

I think skyping other schools around the world would be a great way to learn about other cultures! It would be fun too!!

MrWoody said...

excellent idea, muddie. i wonder if we could work out how to do it... does anyone know?

Nei-Nei Neina-Marie said...

Deffo getting a web cam and skype and microphone. I would sooooooooo want to skype schools around the WORLD! Pleeeeeeeeeeease can we get all that stuff and skype my bestest best friend Nanami in Japan, and let her and her class tell us all the things they do? That would be awesome. She's been my friend ever since I was three!

fred said...

i think we should skype with other schools to see how their scools are like ours 8-)

mudpies01 said...

I don't have any more ideas for ICT integration...

MrWoody said...

good ideas neina and fred - mudpies - if you have nothing to say then don't say anything...
nice to see you kids getting involved with education beyond the classroom :-)

Mr. Teehan said...

Hi everyone. I am Mr. Teehan. I teach in the USA and have asked your teacher to Skype with my class. We have a problem and that is the 17 hour time difference. Can anyone think of a way that we can overcome the time difference and still have the two classes Skype?