Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hi Room 3

I have put a post on my Woodmonstas blog for you. It includes the instructions for your blogging assignment.
As far as my interests are concerned, I enjoy studying animals and nature. Fo rmany years I had an active involvement in the life of several frogs...

This is an image by my favourite cartoonist, Jim Woodring :-) I also enjoy drawing.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Thoughts for St Andrews Middle School yr7/8 Digital class

Wow - how cool to teach for a week in my first ever digital classroom. Mr McKay will be looking after his new baby and family so we can prepare for a week of thinking and investigation...
What shall we do???
Some of your term concepts include forces and motion, geometry and responsible web2.0 use.

Monday, February 08, 2010

ICT Citizenship at Peachgrove

Here are some links to resources for learning about Citizenship at Peachgrove:

Opinions about citizenship

responsible citizenship - an opinion

Digital Citizenship with Hector

So, what is Citizenship? Why should we think about it? How does it affect us?

Work in groups of two or three to develop a PowerPoint presentation or an online equivalent
[e.g. Google Document, blog, wiki*] to state your case for the importance of being a responsible citizen.

If working online you also need to include digital citizenship as a theme.

* Please check first for permission.

N.B. Please use internet information properly by re-writing it in your own words and putting a reference after your statement saying where you got the info from.

e.g. Citizenship is about belonging to a country and being legally allowed to vote in that country's elections. -

The concept of the Citizen was very important in ancient Rome.