Monday, May 12, 2008


Work for Monday:

Figure It Out Series; Number - activites written in planning book for Mrs Barham last Thursday are what you should be doing for maths today.

Do your partner testing for word study and record your results.

Complete your anti-graffiti poster.

Work on your Kakepuku Catastrophe.

Order Hockey gear for P.E.. DO skills based activities with the Hockey kids taking each activity - rotate around the different activities in the dome.

Have fun in the sun!


Roo said...

Yay, Monday = Funday.

Kitty Milo said...

today was awesome!(wednesday) I liked the Hockey best of all. Ashleigh, Claudia, Zac, and seb were really good hockey teachers and i learnt alought. I lke claudia teahing us some skills because It helps learn how to play hockey, I liked Zac's game inside cones and dribblibg around cones because it helped me learn how to hit the ball off someone, I liked the game of hockey we played with seb because it was fun and got you running and i liked the game we played with ashleigh because it was fun, easy and the team I was in won=] i looked up hockey skills on he internet and this website:
has hockey tips, all about coaching hockey, hockey planning systems, hockey rules, hockey equiptment, and much more but it also has hockey drills and ways you can practice hockey!!! It's a great website!!!!
Ok, Bye!!!!!:-)

Kitty Milo said...

I now want to play hockey:-) bye

rosiegal said...

My Hockey team, Peachgrove gold play Horitu, and we won 3-1! Our first half, we didnt play very well, but our second halve was tons better! I was Captain for that game which was really cool, but our team doesnt have a full time captain.

Nei-Nei Neina-Marie said...

Lucky you Rosiegal. We lost two nil this time, because most of our team tood there matching the ball roll past.